Monday, 19 March 2018

End of material Universe

Everything that was ever created has to end some day...Except the soul and the Supreme .Even the greatest minds hit a road block while predicting the fate of our creation after initial energy fades into the oblivion. Many Nobel wining physicists  during their prime years have accepted that everything that was created will have to go back to the source ..Stephen hawking is no exception or Albert Einstein.|gigyaMobileDialog

Saturday, 17 February 2018

What is Love

Love is a vicious cycle of hide and seek

Passion that seeks love are lit by flashes of curiosity

Likes of seeking the brightest star in the blanket sky

We seek the closest heart open to receive

Though we give all that is inside

There is always hide and seek in Love


Saturday, 13 January 2018

Quotes of inspiration Jan 13,2018

"A true journey begins with leaving the past,present and future only counting your new steps"

No journey begins without first steps in real world. Every step you take in life towards a journey comes with an expectation and consequences..

No life is complete without taking your steps towards the future. It is something inherent in our nature to stride towards a goal with a.specific intention..Very few dare to take steps without any intentions,we call them adventurers and explorers..Even those two  category of people seek thrill and hope of finding something different. So everybody takes steps with an intention or seeking something..

But spirituality will take you on a path to a common destiny called divine .It takes you to an elevated state without seeking nothing.  When you want to take this steps towards nothingness you have to leave your past ,present and future  . This art of detachment is a spiritual progress which leads you to the journey of adventure,thrill and self exploration without seeking anything except your change of state and conscious. This karmic path will make your progress towards divine in a pure state of mind and without any intention or expectation attached to it..  try this everyday and see what colors life shows you in detail..

With divine blessings and prayers