Monday 19 March 2018

End of material Universe

Everything that was ever created has to end some day...Except the soul and the Supreme .Even the greatest minds hit a road block while predicting the fate of our creation after initial energy fades into the oblivion. Many Nobel wining physicists  during their prime years have accepted that everything that was created will have to go back to the source ..Stephen hawking is no exception or Albert Einstein.|gigyaMobileDialog

Saturday 17 February 2018

What is Love

Love is a vicious cycle of hide and seek

Passion that seeks love are lit by flashes of curiosity

Likes of seeking the brightest star in the blanket sky

We seek the closest heart open to receive

Though we give all that is inside

There is always hide and seek in Love


Saturday 13 January 2018

Quotes of inspiration Jan 13,2018

"A true journey begins with leaving the past,present and future only counting your new steps"

No journey begins without first steps in real world. Every step you take in life towards a journey comes with an expectation and consequences..

No life is complete without taking your steps towards the future. It is something inherent in our nature to stride towards a goal with a.specific intention..Very few dare to take steps without any intentions,we call them adventurers and explorers..Even those two  category of people seek thrill and hope of finding something different. So everybody takes steps with an intention or seeking something..

But spirituality will take you on a path to a common destiny called divine .It takes you to an elevated state without seeking nothing.  When you want to take this steps towards nothingness you have to leave your past ,present and future  . This art of detachment is a spiritual progress which leads you to the journey of adventure,thrill and self exploration without seeking anything except your change of state and conscious. This karmic path will make your progress towards divine in a pure state of mind and without any intention or expectation attached to it..  try this everyday and see what colors life shows you in detail..

With divine blessings and prayers

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Foot prints of the Soul : Feeling Content and Seeking True happiness

                    I would like go into two different topics which are interrelated to being Happy in the Real world . Being Happy has always been an individual goal from the origins of Species. Every species big or small blooms in happiness when they find what they seek..
                   From the lowest organic forms such as an Algae or Coral  to the Highest form Human Race everybody seeks happiness. You might wonder how can you measure the happiness of an Algae or a Coral. ?  Lets take Algae in the oceans or any water source. They thrive in dirt ,muddy and shallow waters. All they need is to find a consistent oxygen source and different minerals to bloom. Once they find them they bloom in full glory digesting all oxygen in the water in the process. This is also one kind of greed that they are not aware of as species, but they do it due to the lack of conscious or Subconscious.

              Corals are the similar, they bloom in shallow salty waters where they take sunlight and minerals washed along the shores to bloom. They give asylum to so many small sea creatures, they are less greedy and spread evenly across the sea floor unlike algae. They do it without a conscious or they might have one since its a creature in the chain of sea life, but without realizing.

             Human mind seeks happiness all their life from childhood to death. A child in a mothers womb seeks the warmth and nourishment from the mother. If it feels uncomfortable or doesn't get what it needs it gets sick and eventually unhappy leading to a premature and famished baby. After its born it cries for attention until it gets the soothing supply of nourishment from the Mother. It smiles in happiness and seeks nothing else., When its a child human form only worries about nourishment and protection from Mother. When it grows older it worries about it safety and protection from threats. Through its adolescent transformation it worries about money, education, friends and being active. Most of it alters as a grown up adult to seeks happiness through relationship,job, place to live and making a family. All that it eventually seeks is happiness as the end result. We wouldn't be doing anything if doesn't make us happier, even if we do it wouldn't  sustain longer . That's why if somebody does things with passion like playing his favorite sports or watching a game, its done that way to find happiness in that.

             When Human mind gets involved in a activity that leads to happiness as end result, its gets the passion and urge to repeat it quite often. If its get happiness that it seeks consistently, it feels like content. If being content is not sustainable it moves to the next source of happiness. Hence its always a tug of war between seeking happiness, feeling content and sustaining the feelings.
            In the material world all souls are constantly entwined in the wheel of time playing tug of war between these seeking material activities.  The material body overtakes the senses and soul responds to doing things which cannot be sustained. None of these material happiness and feeling content is really sustainable. They come and go because the soul is not making the decisions here, but the material body, its conscious and the material objects that influence this body drives our endless seeking.

          To end this cycle of unsustainable seeking activity, we need to do things from the soul and the subconscious mind. When we practice meditation and do things that makes the soul happier and feel content , it reveals its true sense, The vessel it resides on feels the happiness and blooms like a coral in the open sea. It houses not only the beautiful subconscious but also the other souls that seek the true happiness and feeling content. Being spiritual in what we do and being more inclusive of other souls into our happiness make us shine like stars in real life. Seeking material happiness and feeling content with material items will not bring us sustained happiness.

       Lets all strive to be balanced in mind, body and soul and spread the eternal wealth of Soulful happiness and truly content human being .

God Bless all the Good souls and Cure the evil ones !!

Monday 6 April 2015

Footprints of the Soul - The Aura of the Soul

Many eons have passed since the birth of the First life forms. Spiritualists have written and experienced the ecstasy of Soulfulness in themselves and extraordinary Human beings.

It has been understood that great orators in History of Mankind (both judged as Good and evil in different times) have exerted greater influence on people around them by orating great speeches and vocabulary. This has been quite well documented in past couple of thousands of years. Some of the greats have become celebrated as leaders of their time primarily due to their influential skills such as writing and oration. Its unbelievable and impractical to assume some of these greats have influenced people by just speaking.

Still there is little doubt that its more than a great speech to Influence the human race. There is something about these Saints, Leaders and Legends that attract us towards them like fly's circling around the Street lamp.

Take the insects circling a lamp during rainy season. Have you ever wondered why they get attracted towards the lamp and eventually die out of exhaustion and heat?  . The insects have souls to, because in prehistoric times before birth of Land animals there were variety of marine animals and then flying beings which can fly great distance with a leap of faith. How did they do it.?  The light was a guiding force behind their leap of faith. Some insects fly blind, but they were limited to a small area where they perish as food to the predators. The best of the breed flew miles across shallow seas in search of land and eventually food. They had acute sense of perception to light and airflow. All these Marine and flying organisms have scientifically mutated to birds and land animals (including us the humans). Some Vertebrae evolved from invertebrates  (and vice versa).  In earlier articles i pointed out that all living beings have a soul with an intelligence limited to Organism it takes as shape and evolution.

We all have evolved and reborn a million births to reach the pinnacle of evolution called Human Race.
Some of them live(d) as Demi gods with extensive kindness and compassion to others. They sacrifice their life for the well being of others.

Some of the Humans commit(ed) themselves to unspeakable crime and live(d) as daemons among us. They destroy(ed) the fundamentals of creation and create(ed) the hell on Earth.

Some  humans remain neutral and live like the remaining majority of population eat,love,family,work and die.

Is the human behaviors linked to our origins of our species or is it a mere coincidence.?
Great scientist and Saints have agreed upon one common theme, which is that nothing in cosmos happens by mere coincidence. Hence how is humans born and grow with different characters. There is a scientific explanation from Darwin's Evolution.  There is a spiritual explanation due to Multiple evolution of births and death through many organisms.

Understanding the above thought path brings us back to the Question of Insect towards the Light just like we are attracted to great leaders,Saints and influences. Its called the AURA of the soul.  I limit my thoughts to the Good ones since the history has repeatedly misjudged people in the existing generations and praised them centuries later.  

Each soul is like a beacon of light with its own strengths and weakness. We all have Aura , only that its weak or strong depending on the situation and aura of other Humans around you. Souls with extensive passion and maturity glow like a Lighthouse in the Shore . There are souls which glow in Goodness when filled with kindness and Goodness. There are negative souls which can exert the same influence negatively and disturb the aura of positiveness with the individuals. 

If you have met people with tremendous influence over your thoughts and spread these characters in social atmosphere or your personal 4 walls, you have found the effects of the Soul and its Aura. Its upto you choose the right Aura among people and encircle yourself with happiness and Good Karma. Stay away from individuals who exert negative aura , these can alter your Aura that has guided you to the right people and thoughts all your life.

With the beacon of light you have the eternal tap to a greater social life and spread happiness around you. Its in your Soul to spread the Glory of the Supernatural  Or Supreme Soul(Paramatma) and make this Earth glow in the Cosmic vastness.

To Eternal Peace and Glory of Soul.  The Aura is a footprint of your Soul.!!!

Monday 10 February 2014

Footprints of the Soul : Searching for Heaven and Hell inside

I have seen lots of people suffering and rejoicing in life around me. You might have seen this over and over in everyday life.Its quite ironical that when you are rejoicing for an event in Life, your neighbor might be suffering with some event that happened the same day or time. You might never know if it was caused by a Single event or collection of events in your life or your's neighbor's.  I have asked many what is their definition of Happiness and i asked them in a different context or a time what is their definition of Sorrow.

Surprisingly i got similar answers in most of the cases. Let's analyze them together. Here is the collection of some of the answers i have mentally recorded. These are what a typical human being (Man/Women) define as a source of their happiness. There are many to state , but i have a limited few thoughts which are quite common among people i met.

Source of Happiness

  1.  My child behaves just like me and she is all that i ever wanted as child.,
  2.  I have very many friends who are happy with me or who are always striving to keep me happy.
  3.  I am financially successful and my investments,career are on right track
  4.  I have beautiful and understanding partner.
  5.  I have had good meal with family and nice outing. I get absolute peace and happiness with these routine
  6.  I play good amount of sports and lead a very healthy people. I surround myself with healthy and joyful people.
  7.  I hear my favorite music and go for a big long walk with my pet.

Source of Sorrow.

  1. My closest friend/family member passed away.
  2. I lost my job and am very worried about job market
  3. I had a huge financial loss or my fighting hard to meet ends .
  4. My children are sick or they are not in my control.
  5. I live in a bad family or neighborhood and i feel unsafe about my life and future.
  6. My efforts are going in vain and i am under appreciated by my closest person.
  7. I am not being loved and feeling depressed in life.
This emotions are quite clear and repeats in every human life in different context. Have you ever wondered why all these emotions occur ? is it Fate or is it how the Human life is designed to operate. One thing common in all these are that both happiness and Sorrow happens in every life. No human life is full of joy or full of sorrow. Like our philosophies quoted " All Good Things don't last long, All Bad things either". So if you have seen and heard that these are temporary emotional state in human life, why is it so strong and overwhelming when it occurs ,that takes your mind away from this reality into something your entire body appreciates?.   That is subject of Heaven and Hell i am here to discuss with you today.

You might have heard somebody in the peak of joy or either yourself quoted saying i am so happy that i feel like i am in heaven or the same person in deep sorrow stated that his life feels like hell " i cannot handle this anymore".  So whenever you asked somebody to look at heavens his face automatically looks up and whenever you ask for hell he would look down towards earth below. Is it really the place for heavens in deep and endless cosmos and hell below our feet as one with endless screams and burning fire.?

Our Saints have shown that they can imitate moments of Heaven and sensation of hell for a temporary period of time. Once there was this humble man who was very dedicated to god and worships every day for his divine grace. He due to course of his life , was unfortunate to have lost his young son suddenly due to some incurable disease.He and his wife were buried in endless sorrow as they loved their son more than anything else in this world and was happy as years passed. But all that moments of happiness ended suddenly when tides of time took away his son permanently. He was so buried in sorrow he forgot to pray the divine and left alone his daily duties. The Supreme being who is the happiness of all happiness in the cosmos was affected by the suffering of his two beloved souls on earth. He decided to appear as a old man and came to his house. Seeing the hungry old man, the humble Man and women felt helpless and was lost in endless sorrow, The Old man asked if he will be given any arms or not? .
He looked at the humble man and asked "i see you are in sorrow. But i think i can help you become happy again"
Humble Man said " i lost my beloved son, can you bring him back. My life has become a living hell"
Old man said " certainly with my divine powers, but with one condition"
Humble Man" Anything to fix my sorrow, what do you seek in return"
Old Man" fetch me some rice from your neighborhood, where there was no sorrow or death, then i will bring your son back alive"
Humble Man and Wife goes around their village asking for the same and didn't find one house who has not lost somebody or experienced no sorrow. He eventually returned empty handed to the old Man.
Old Man said smiling " Life and Death are in every being on this cosmos. You cannot change the course of life. One day your death will be grieved by your wife or you will her's"

Humble Man learned the lesson of life and returned to his duties.

The above short story tells that there Sorrow and happiness are unavoidable in Life and its again depicts that Heaven or Hell is a human perception. Lets imagine if all the departed come back and speak about where they went, you will have a clear picture on how the heaven is and how the Hell is.

Lets look at this in different perception. The definition of person with lots of friends and big family would imagine heaven as something where all his friends or family is around.He will not enjoy a place in heaven where he is sent to a lone island with crispy white sand and abundant food and Gold lying on the seashore where he doesn't have any friends to share his happiness with.

A person who was living in utter poverty and filth sent to hell will not feel much different in hell than what he went through in real life.

Ask yourself, what would be you definition of Hell or heaven and compare with friend of yours who has a different lifestyle. it would utterly different. if its so different between two close individuals, imagine how many probabilities of heaven and hell that can be phrased among 7 billion people in this planet, quite mind boggling isn't it??

So what is heaven ? is it predefined place and predefined set of things deep somewhere in cosmos or someplace deep in your mind.

So what is Hell ? is it fiery,burning underground of endless screams and human suffering ?  Its somewhere lies in you experience of endless sorrow.

If both the heaven and hell are just a human perception with a probability of 7 billion what do we seek everyday until end of life  and what do we run away from. I guess the answer is deep within your consciousness.

While you Meditate with full dedication and do things that surround you with happiness like charity or volunteer you surround yourself with endless happiness and create a heaven for people who are touched by your life.

When you express extreme anger,frustration,violence and verbal assault on people around you.Your body suffers in extreme sorrow and resents to the aftermath. You have created a endless hell for people who are victimized by your actions. You have created a hell.

The endless happiness lies deep beneath our consciousness and i have started experiencing every day you peel layers of your mind with transcendental Meditation and Goodness.It helps us get through tough times of stress and sorrow. It makes us more immune to others negativity. Its the only way you can seek the eternal bliss without any side effects. You embrace what is inside and stop looking at the cosmos. Its filled with gas,rocks and elements that  we are all made off. Heaven and Hell are deep inside you and surrounds you when you are life.

Lets all seek eternal bliss and seek the eternal truth. Be Soulful. God Bless!!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Footprints of the Soul - Part 4 Origins of the Human Life.

I was recently going through some really interesting articles on Human Evolution and Genome science. It made me wonder what  answers are we are looking for and what evolution has taught so far about Human Life.

One of the recent scientific article published a study on Human birth from infusion of sperm and Ovule in the uterus. Due to the infusion a single celled entity is created while the sperm dies off in the wall of ovule which eventually becomes the womb for the Human baby. This single celled entity is called zygote and it seems to have a single of DNA carrying characteristics of DNA mapping from Sperm(father) and Ovule(Mother). For some unknown reason only known to creator this DNA which carries the fate of the Human baby is suppressed until the 13th cell division and then it gets copied to the cells to start building the Human body structure. If this genome suppression is interfered during this 13 cell divisions , scientist believe that it would result in miscarriage or a defective Human structure or destruction of this creation process entirely.

Reading such scientific study makes me  think about laws of nature and our evolution from a single celled zygote to fully functional , self sustaining, Character ,independent  human being in this vast planet. Everybody knows this from our science lessons that the first truly self sustaining species was called "Amoeba " and it happened to be a single celled organism similar our "Zygote" explained in our birth study above.

Darwin would have called this as evolution ,ie. From a  single celled Amoeba which cannot grow beyond its present form (due to lack of Genetic code) to a Single Celled Zygote with a build in Miracle DNA code to kick start building a complex human body by itself.

If this is all science how can we explain the fact that the blueprint of complex human body is stored in a DNA sample from Mother and Father but remains suppressed and lifeless single cell Zygote until the laws of nature makes that into a fully live baby versus Amoeba lives and dies as single cell.

There is more to cell division and Zygote to Human creation from a single cell , we see Supreme Lord's intervention in every step of Life cycle starting from the first single Organism to current complex human forms to tomorrows super humans who can postpone death  at will.  The timing factor involved in an chosen sperm meeting the ovule and transferring the genetic code to form the Zygote .Science explains the human Body develops the shell of organs,skin,blood around the spinal cord and brain structure. ( which eventually learns itself to be a spiritual or atheist when it grows as a Adult. Explain that !!!)

When the Human mind and conscious is awakened in the womb its devoid of all senses and slowly starts realizing the 5 senses which constitute a human behavior we all have. This blend of sense later define the character of this Human among billions of other individuals .When in its purest form as Zygote or once its baby inside the Mother's womb is awaken with 5 sense, this  human mind is devoid of all Hatred, Fear,Lust,Greed and Anger which defines every human in this planet now carries as a baggage. In their purest form all the Human life is exactly the same in senses irrespective of Cast,Creed, Community and Social structure its born into. Nobody can disagree with that when you see a Baby smile at their parents with utmost love irrespective of where its born in this planet.

Then when its steps into this world of Human development its pureness is lost due to constant influence of Material world and entities ,that exerts their control on this Human form until becomes an Adult and Independent to decide being Good or Bad Human being in the Society.

Somewhere in the process of this quick evolution from Zygote to Adult Human being, the spirituality and the purpose of Human life is lost . The Society starts dictating how that person should live,dress, behave,eat,love and Suffer till death.   These things were never there in the genetic code of the pure Zygote, but was superimposed on to the Human during this evolution after stepping out of the Mother's Womb into this complex World.

If the argument and explanation of Human life in Scientific term suffice.We all are just simply  foster children of billions of years of evolution from the lifeless world  to Modern world we live in.It also  means that we all are same down to basis of our origin from a Single celled organism like Amoeba ?. Why do we disagree to register in our thoughts that we could have been a swamp of single celled creatures floating  in a prehistoric Ocean?

Think for a minute if we were not just Zygote or Amoeba what makes us so Unique and different in this world. I would say that we all are no different from each other and we all follow the same steps of evolution into a Human being as far as Science can explain with Genome science , so nobody stands out in evolution.Right ? you wouldn't be able to agree with that either. We all think of ourselves as unique and special in this plant  Correct?

But Spirituality simply explains that only thing that can make us unique is the Soul factor and which carries forward from one body to another. It learns lessons from each life and moves in cycle of Life and death until it self realize that it sole purpose is not to get caught in this evolutionary cycle ,but to find the Divine Father and Mother who has cast his soul from their Divine entity and waiting for his Child to unite with them in eternity. This is the uniqueness that makes a living person special and different not his Human Body he lives on.

If we learn to live to realize that even at Soul we are linked to one Divine Mother and Father , world would be a better place to live .