Saturday, 23 June 2012

Footprints of the Soul: Part 3

100 years of Human Life and Billions in Universe years

                I am writing after a Long break of Silence, Moved from Bustling Metropolis called Mumbai to another city called Garden City with countless state maintained Public Parks where i am trying to draw my new inspiration from roof of my House. There is no change in that Sunset and Sunrise for Billions of Years since Mother Earth was born out of Mere Dust and Rocks cooled from its Plasmic Father in the Solar System. Ever since she was born , she remained the most beautiful and mysterious object in the entire solar system with so much to offer to this Violent and crowded Universe called the divine cosmos.
              Just like any other planet or star in the Universe , Mother is living, breathing Organic entity with a violent past and bleak future of destruction. In many a ways Earth is similar to any life form in this Universe known to Humans. Just like a Good daughter who is well behaved and vibes with a Good Family, Our Mother Earth lives with her Brothers and Sisters of this beautiful array of planets which encompass the Solar system.
           She never missed a Sunset and Longs for the Sunrise to draw endless energy to power her core and sustain beautiful life forms on her Surface.
           Ever thought why earth is the only planet known to Science which can support a complete Life-cycle of a Organic Life form ?  The answer lies scattered in the Universe and lives within every one of us. It is not the endless array of scientific inventions and theories that support or disagree with the design of Supreme Cosmos , but lies in the seed we sow, Air we breathe, Water we drink and Fire we cook. The Supreme elements that fill this endless vacuum called Universe has existed from the time the Universe was born and will survive till the Universe dies.
        Every Scientific theory that was ever written to prove or disprove  that Universe was born out of single source agrees that all theories had life  span of not more than 100 years of science. There is reason that it doesn't lost any longer is that Human Life ,who lay the foundation for this theories, who changed his Human form every 100 years , So much for the science and discovery. I am science student by education and continue to remain so to pay by bills, but deep side i know that i will be replaced within the Human Boundary of 100 years.

       Universe is believed to be 14.7 billion year old and is getting older by million of years within every micro second of a Human life of 100 years. In fact galaxies like ours are getting created and destroyed every time we blink our eye. So why is the cosmos so violent in destroying worlds and as compassionate as ours in sustaining our 100 years of Life time. The answer lies within our cycle of Human Life.
      Human Soul moves on from one life form to another in endless cycle of Life and death similar to our cosmos.  Coming back to the Seeds we sow, what make this grow into a Long pine tree with cones and a Wonderful  flowers surrounded by pretty leafs ?
     The Answer lies in that wonderful life force called Soul bound to the Supreme Lord himself. When we reach out to him with heart and Soul, you can feel his endless Energy surrounding us in our cosmos

" Thee who makes it wither in Cold , Thee who makes it Bloom in Rain, Thee who resides in it Self"

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Foot Prints of the Soul : Part 2

Being Human versus Being Spiritual

 There is  confusion among people who choose to become spiritual ,how and when to distinguish between being Human versus Being Spiritual. I will explain this with a real life example.

Let us assume that you are walking by the side walk and find a Frail old women begging for Food and money Most of you will either ignore or drop a coin in sympathy, lets assume you drop a coin. Then you think you have done your part and go past that person to  come across a injured pigeon. Dropping a coin or sympathazing wouldn't have helped the suffering bird, but you drop your ego and bend down to see why is the bird suffering (provided you don't have a Chronic back pain If you have found the root cause like a broken limb, probably you can take it to your home and plaster it . I guess many of us don't have time to do both. Lets' assume a street dog walks by the same path, he sees the same old women , he tries to smell if she has any food and it will keep walking away. It again comes across the same bird which we walked past and smells to see to see if it is suffering from injury.The hungry dog will try to grab and run with the injured bird making it the afternoon meal.

Comparing the Scenario above, if he we had dropped money to the old Lady and helped the bird with the injury , then we are compassionate enough to have expressed the fundamentals of Humanity and worth this Human Life.  With the same scenario if you have helped the Old lady to join a Old age home and carry the Bird to the Vet it needs something beyond your Humanity to spend time and effort on it. That is what i call spiritual elevation and you are on your right path to spirituality.

Why is our act differently measured in the above scenario ?

If you have just reacted by giving a temporary solution as in dropping a coin and attending to injury, you are expressing the natural character inborn in all Human Life. To feel the pain of somebody unknown and seeking a permanent solution to their problem needs your soul connect with other souls around you and feel their pain. It is similar to how a Man feels when the Women he loves  is suffering in disease or Injury, a parent who feels when his children are hurt, while playing or a animal lover who feels for his injured Pet.

To conclude If you can connect only with the ones you love , that is a typical Human behavior, If you connect with the unknown and fell their pain it is true sense of Spiritual Elevation. Either Way you leave your footprints of your soul with others , it is up-to you to remain just a Good Human or elevate yourself to being Spiritual being. I would try to be at-least be the first One ,before i become the second one. If we haven't done both, then we won't need to be Re-born as a Human being to continue our Soul's Journey.

This thought is the core to create my current and future Books.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Foot prints of the Soul - Part 1

Just when i thought when i am feeling spiritually elevated within my mind, i experienced some tell tale signs of my previous birth. Recently i was remembering a conversation written by famous  scientist with the Great Spiritual Leaders of the Last Century Sri Prabhupada mentioned that the dreams are a pure interpretation of the soul and its previous births. As per Bhagwad Gita the Soul never dies and goes through endless cycle of Birth and Death through various life forms (800,000 to be exact) unless the self realization takes place and ultimate Bonding with the Supernatural God Himself takes place, then the Soul releases itself from this Material world and traverses to the Feet of the Supreme Being himself.

Just like we leave foot prints in the sand when we walk in the seashore, Every birth and Death leaves a trail of footprints in this material world for us to find and explore it. Sometimes this footprints of life happens so close to the Endless ocean waves which wipes it clean , that we never get to realize that we had a birth and death before.

I began to explore one  my recent dreams after convincing that these are really the footprints of soul , it really started shocking my thoughts as i discovered that i have been ignoring the signs from inside. One of the problems i had is that i am very much disturbed by the site of deep ocean or still lake, i rather not venture into it. Rather i am very nervous flying , in fact i get into all sorts of issues while the flight is taking off. I never got over the feeling after taking around 100's of flights in past 18 years.

Recently i had this fantastic dream dream where i was flying this sophisticated fighter Jet above a Turquoise Blue waters of  Tropical Ocean. I could take off from a very Narrow runaway (possibly from a Aircraft carrier) and  started gaining elevation, when the flight loses control and started losing height very fast. I could almost see me hitting the water, but i never did. Then in continuation of the event  i am a very small boy working in by the same tropical sea facing restaurant looking at a very high end Bike parked by by the road. I have seen fighter jets close-by, but never seen a cockpit , let alone flying it like a pro nor i have worked in sea side Restaurant as a boy.

The Above dreams makes me wonder if they are really my footprints of the earlier births i had to go through or is it really a random set of thoughts exposing my inner fears or Height and Deep Ocean waters.  if they are really my fears, how come i have never seen a tropical island or seen the inside of Fighter jet cockpit in my whole life and never flown over it.

I have slowly started documenting my dreams and do believe that Soul leaves footprints of Life after moves on to the next Body or Birth.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Soul Connection

I have started writing an inspirational Book on the Human Soul and its connection to various aspects of Life. This gives me an opportunity to give birth to a Spiritual elevation that is transforming my Life everyday

It all started with a dream . In it i fly on an endless journey , over the Green canopy of tall trees and souring towards the grey clouds of the tropics. I Hop from one part of the Forest to another having no fear of falling down towards the shades of twilight. My soul seemed free and liberated above all the Human desires and heading towards the ultimate Nirvana.

May be this direct outcome of my Meditative state during stressful times in a buzzing metropolis like Mumbai. I seek silence among the ever growing city with endless noise of human chaos. I headed to a crowded beach to catch the sunset, why doesn't the  human endeavors and its noise doesn't muddle my peaceful conscious?
 I seemed separated from the distractions and my eyes focused on the pristine blue waters of Arabian Sea and soothing warmth of the Setting Sun...I watched a monk draped in matching Orange staring at the crimson
redness of the setting Sun. He is so much into it as i do or is he in a higher state of elevated conscious ?.
My tears of joy evaporating in the rays of soothing plasma. The voices turned to muffle and confused spirits wandering in search of the endless beach seeking peace ,made me wonder ,why seek around you when it is right inside you.
