Monday, 5 March 2012

Foot prints of the Soul - Part 1

Just when i thought when i am feeling spiritually elevated within my mind, i experienced some tell tale signs of my previous birth. Recently i was remembering a conversation written by famous  scientist with the Great Spiritual Leaders of the Last Century Sri Prabhupada mentioned that the dreams are a pure interpretation of the soul and its previous births. As per Bhagwad Gita the Soul never dies and goes through endless cycle of Birth and Death through various life forms (800,000 to be exact) unless the self realization takes place and ultimate Bonding with the Supernatural God Himself takes place, then the Soul releases itself from this Material world and traverses to the Feet of the Supreme Being himself.

Just like we leave foot prints in the sand when we walk in the seashore, Every birth and Death leaves a trail of footprints in this material world for us to find and explore it. Sometimes this footprints of life happens so close to the Endless ocean waves which wipes it clean , that we never get to realize that we had a birth and death before.

I began to explore one  my recent dreams after convincing that these are really the footprints of soul , it really started shocking my thoughts as i discovered that i have been ignoring the signs from inside. One of the problems i had is that i am very much disturbed by the site of deep ocean or still lake, i rather not venture into it. Rather i am very nervous flying , in fact i get into all sorts of issues while the flight is taking off. I never got over the feeling after taking around 100's of flights in past 18 years.

Recently i had this fantastic dream dream where i was flying this sophisticated fighter Jet above a Turquoise Blue waters of  Tropical Ocean. I could take off from a very Narrow runaway (possibly from a Aircraft carrier) and  started gaining elevation, when the flight loses control and started losing height very fast. I could almost see me hitting the water, but i never did. Then in continuation of the event  i am a very small boy working in by the same tropical sea facing restaurant looking at a very high end Bike parked by by the road. I have seen fighter jets close-by, but never seen a cockpit , let alone flying it like a pro nor i have worked in sea side Restaurant as a boy.

The Above dreams makes me wonder if they are really my footprints of the earlier births i had to go through or is it really a random set of thoughts exposing my inner fears or Height and Deep Ocean waters.  if they are really my fears, how come i have never seen a tropical island or seen the inside of Fighter jet cockpit in my whole life and never flown over it.

I have slowly started documenting my dreams and do believe that Soul leaves footprints of Life after moves on to the next Body or Birth.

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