Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Footprints of the Soul - Part 4 Origins of the Human Life.

I was recently going through some really interesting articles on Human Evolution and Genome science. It made me wonder what  answers are we are looking for and what evolution has taught so far about Human Life.

One of the recent scientific article published a study on Human birth from infusion of sperm and Ovule in the uterus. Due to the infusion a single celled entity is created while the sperm dies off in the wall of ovule which eventually becomes the womb for the Human baby. This single celled entity is called zygote and it seems to have a single of DNA carrying characteristics of DNA mapping from Sperm(father) and Ovule(Mother). For some unknown reason only known to creator this DNA which carries the fate of the Human baby is suppressed until the 13th cell division and then it gets copied to the cells to start building the Human body structure. If this genome suppression is interfered during this 13 cell divisions , scientist believe that it would result in miscarriage or a defective Human structure or destruction of this creation process entirely.

Reading such scientific study makes me  think about laws of nature and our evolution from a single celled zygote to fully functional , self sustaining, Character ,independent  human being in this vast planet. Everybody knows this from our science lessons that the first truly self sustaining species was called "Amoeba " and it happened to be a single celled organism similar our "Zygote" explained in our birth study above.

Darwin would have called this as evolution ,ie. From a  single celled Amoeba which cannot grow beyond its present form (due to lack of Genetic code) to a Single Celled Zygote with a build in Miracle DNA code to kick start building a complex human body by itself.

If this is all science how can we explain the fact that the blueprint of complex human body is stored in a DNA sample from Mother and Father but remains suppressed and lifeless single cell Zygote until the laws of nature makes that into a fully live baby versus Amoeba lives and dies as single cell.

There is more to cell division and Zygote to Human creation from a single cell , we see Supreme Lord's intervention in every step of Life cycle starting from the first single Organism to current complex human forms to tomorrows super humans who can postpone death  at will.  The timing factor involved in an chosen sperm meeting the ovule and transferring the genetic code to form the Zygote .Science explains the human Body develops the shell of organs,skin,blood around the spinal cord and brain structure. ( which eventually learns itself to be a spiritual or atheist when it grows as a Adult. Explain that !!!)

When the Human mind and conscious is awakened in the womb its devoid of all senses and slowly starts realizing the 5 senses which constitute a human behavior we all have. This blend of sense later define the character of this Human among billions of other individuals .When in its purest form as Zygote or once its baby inside the Mother's womb is awaken with 5 sense, this  human mind is devoid of all Hatred, Fear,Lust,Greed and Anger which defines every human in this planet now carries as a baggage. In their purest form all the Human life is exactly the same in senses irrespective of Cast,Creed, Community and Social structure its born into. Nobody can disagree with that when you see a Baby smile at their parents with utmost love irrespective of where its born in this planet.

Then when its steps into this world of Human development its pureness is lost due to constant influence of Material world and entities ,that exerts their control on this Human form until becomes an Adult and Independent to decide being Good or Bad Human being in the Society.

Somewhere in the process of this quick evolution from Zygote to Adult Human being, the spirituality and the purpose of Human life is lost . The Society starts dictating how that person should live,dress, behave,eat,love and Suffer till death.   These things were never there in the genetic code of the pure Zygote, but was superimposed on to the Human during this evolution after stepping out of the Mother's Womb into this complex World.

If the argument and explanation of Human life in Scientific term suffice.We all are just simply  foster children of billions of years of evolution from the lifeless world  to Modern world we live in.It also  means that we all are same down to basis of our origin from a Single celled organism like Amoeba ?. Why do we disagree to register in our thoughts that we could have been a swamp of single celled creatures floating  in a prehistoric Ocean?

Think for a minute if we were not just Zygote or Amoeba what makes us so Unique and different in this world. I would say that we all are no different from each other and we all follow the same steps of evolution into a Human being as far as Science can explain with Genome science , so nobody stands out in evolution.Right ? you wouldn't be able to agree with that either. We all think of ourselves as unique and special in this plant  Correct?

But Spirituality simply explains that only thing that can make us unique is the Soul factor and which carries forward from one body to another. It learns lessons from each life and moves in cycle of Life and death until it self realize that it sole purpose is not to get caught in this evolutionary cycle ,but to find the Divine Father and Mother who has cast his soul from their Divine entity and waiting for his Child to unite with them in eternity. This is the uniqueness that makes a living person special and different not his Human Body he lives on.

If we learn to live to realize that even at Soul we are linked to one Divine Mother and Father , world would be a better place to live .

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